Thursday, May 5, 2011

Pages 11 - 20

Page 11 – Stupid & Incompetent
What is the difference between a stupid person and someone who is just incompetent? There is a small... er big... uh er I mean a medium sized difference between the two. Sure you could go look them up in a dictionary, but what's the fun in that? It's much easier to sit down in front of a computer screen and look at something right in front of you rather than looking through a one million-page book. Ok, back to defining them. Stupid people usually don’t think and just do things. People sometimes do stupid things and on occasions do the same stupid thing more than once. On the other hand, an incompetent people actually do think but just don’t get it. Incompetence is almost like a disease that stops people from doing their best. Therefore making them look like stupid people. Incompetent people 11/10 times get called stupid when their not. Also for incompetence, it usually forms a veil around the person. Stupid usually comes in a wave rather than a veil. In special conditions, like in my case, the incompetent veil can logically produce a radius of luck. This radius makes its wearer very lucky in some fields. Also if some people are near you, they might feel the luck. Too bad for them though, the luck will counteract with their non-veil ness and give them bad luck.

Page 12 – Emos Origin
What IS the true meaning of "emo"? People think that emo's are people with black hair, are depressed, and cut themselves. This is completely and utterly wrong. "emo" stands for emotion. Depression is only one kind of emotion. There are plenty of other emotions, and I don’t know where they got the black hair part from. I think that most people are mixing up emo's with goths. But some goths are emo in a sense. People who are overly happy are emos. People who are steaming mad are emo's. Almost every human being on the planet earth is an emo. Almost everyone. There are those select few that just to put it plainly, don’t feel. People say, "Just because he hurts himself because he is depressed does not make him an emo". Well those people are not thinking because I’m -100% sure that depression is an emotion. In my era that I am writing in, everyone is dying their hair and saying they hate life. I feel sorry for life, everyone hates it. They also call themselves emo... there. I have just told you the true meaning of the word emo. I decided to do this page on this because there were arguments of emo's true meaning. I decided to finally put and end to it and show people what it really means. Some people even admit that emo means emotional but for some reason they still think that it means only depressed people that hurt themselves over life. There. I hoped that cleared things up. If at least just a little bit.

Page 13 – Difference & Definition
The difference between a difference and a definition. First of all, I usually do differences in my view like: Dumbluck and Dumbskill, and stupid and incompetence. But then I sometimes do definitions to things like: the true meaning of emo. I cant of what to put next so I will use the root words of both. Define and different. I define things to show people the true meaning of a specific word. I show that 2 or more things are different to again show the true meaning of both. So all in all, a definition is showing the meaning of one word while a difference is showing the meaning of two or more similar words at once. Therefore making it easier to show differences of words that most people mix up. Most people. Not all. Only most. Well anyway, I will now specifically define the words definition and difference. First the difference. A difference is defining two words in a sense. But it also shows how they are different. Now a definition. I will define definition without using the word defines. A definition is a sort of explanation to a word that pitiful humans created so they could interact with each other. Hey I created a word and I only had half a brain, no heart and five lungs. Gosh I’m smart.

Page 14 – Snow
Winter. Cold, wind, and snow. There are many types of each of these. Right now I will focus on the many types of snow. I will list the many types of snow. Here they are: Hail like snow, blizzard like snow, floaty snow, small snow, big snow, heavy snow, light snow, moderate snow, packing snow, powder snow, fast falling snow, slow falling snow, no snow, surprise snow, slushy snow, dirty snow, freezing snow, warm snow, wet snow, dry snow, sprinkling snow, burning snow, cooling snow, yellow snow, black snow, brown snow, annoying snow, invisible snow, ect. And then there is multiple different kinds of snow like: heavy fast falling snow, yellow blizzard like snow, hail like no snow ECT. That is just 2 of them put together. You can also have 3, 4, or even 5 put together. In other words, there are a lot of different kinds of snow. Then there is more than one of those types of snowfall at any given time. The 2 or more, come in to play when, you look left and see a blizzard coming, and look right and see no snow at all. Then there is different types of snowfall in a blizzard. All in all, it is really confusing when trying to name all the types of snow. I would make a page about the different kinds of cold and the different kinds of wind but Il leave that if I have no ideas left.

Page 15 – Tim the Corrupter
I will tell you the tale of Tim the corrupter. I know him personally. Why? Because I’m related to him. Why is he named Tim the corrupter? Because his name is Tim and he corrupts things. He fouls anything he touches. One incident was when he was on my computer playing a game. After 5 minutes he came up to me and said something was wrong. I checked my computer. The screen was distorted beyond belief. It was so bad I couldn’t do anything with my computer. Not even restart it. It looked like it was morphed. The minute he left the house, my computer snapped back into reality and was back to normal. But if Tim overworks himself after he corrupted something of that magnitude, he would become terribly ill for 12 hours. It reminded him to never do something like that again. Rarely accept something from Tim. Their are some exceptions like presents, that are wrapped well and money. These things seem to not be affected by Tim’s powers. Anything else he touches or grazes with his fingers is fouled with the might and corruption of the plague. I wont even accept a spoon that he has touched. I just say "No! Get that away from me!" or "That has been fouled... I cannot accept that" He then gives me a confused look and goes on his way. So all in all, just stay away from him. Unless you’re his friend. They seem to have an immune system to it. Maybe because they have a special potion that wards off corruption. I gotta get me some of that stuff.

Page 16 – Answer of Life
The answer to Life. Alot of people ask, "What is the meaning of life?" Some of these people say that, and then forget about it a moment later. The people that start to think about it for long lengths of time tend to go crazy (but I’m already past the "crazy" point so it wont matter). Their brain can’t cope with the velocity of the question, that it starts throwing out all the possible answers. Thus making the person babble on about useless things (like I do). Some people that are lucky, actually say the real answer to life, but because their brain doesn’t know what they just said, and everyone in earshot don’t notice because they stopped listening to the person long before they stumbled upon the true meaning of life. Unfortunately today, people have evolved and the world has changed so much that if someone actually knew the meaning of life, they would find that it has no meaning. So the answer of life is gone and never to be heard of again. We erased it from existence. Some people are trying to create a new meaning of life that co-insides with the world today. It's funny though. Everyone wants to know the meaning of life. What about the answer to death? No one thinks about that. It's all life, life, life. Considering we wont live forever it's stupid to find the answer to life. When your dead, the meaning of life wont help you one bit. Only if you know the answer to death can you avoid it. But sadly it won’t stop aging. It's funny how we want an answer of life and we will spend most of our time on Earth dead so I don’t think it will be very valuable if we DO find it.

Page 17 – Ruling the World

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